"It takes a village to raise a child"
We weren’t designed to parent in isolation and having good support around you can be a crucial part of coping with the demands of parenthood. This village can come in many forms to help look after you as an overall person. This can include support from family and friends, building connections both locally at groups, classes or virtually through online support, to drawing on professional support to look after yourself and your child’s needs.
From my time supporting parents locally and nationally, I have built connections and broader resources to more holistically support an individual’s overall well-being. I will consider this as part of our process of getting to know each other and signpost or link individuals to additional services or spaces which may benefit them.
Perinatal Mental Health Support - NHS Support: If you are struggling with your well-being, please speak to your GP who will be able to let you know of the NHS support available to you locally.
In the perinatal period in the UK there are two main routes in to support, depending on what you are coping with:
Talking Therapies team - Your local talking therapy service can prioritise you for support during pregnancy and for the first year after birth. This should mean you do not have to go on a longer wait list. These teams used to be known collectively as IAPT (Improving Access to Talking Therapies). They now have different names by location. You can establish the name of your local team through your GP or you may be able to search online for your geographical area and 'IAPT'. You can self refer or be referred by your GP.
Perinatal Mental Health team - If things become really difficult and you need some more specialist support around you, you can be referred to your local perinatal mental health team. These are specialist multi-disciplinary teams experienced in supporting women during the perinatal period (pregnancy through to one/two years after birth). You can be referred through your GP, midwife or health visitor.
Perinatal Mental Health Support - Charitable and Third Sector: There is also other non NHS support available. You can search for support in your local area through the Hearts and Minds partnership.
The following organisations may also be of support:
PANDAS - Support for Postnatal Depression, including a free helpline 0808 1961 776
MIND - The mental health charity also has specialist support and advice for mental health problems during the perinatal period
Action for Post-Partum Psychosis - Support and advocacy for mums and families affected by postpartum psychosis (PP)
Maternal OCD - Support for individuals struggling with OCD during the perinatal period
Acacia - Pre and Post natal depression family support services
Make Birth Better - Support for coping with distressing or traumatic birthing experiences
Pregnancy Sickness Support - Support for those suffering with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, including hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), includes free helpline 0800 055 4361
Local resources: Coming soon